Upon reflection

IMG_2057 kootenay river two trees

I heard somewhere that if you can worry, you can meditate. The difference between worry and meditation is just the subject matter. To the believer in Christ meditation is not an emptying, but a filling.

When we worry we reflect upon the evidence of things seen. We ponder it, we turn it over in our minds, we obsess about not having a workable solution, about how “It cannot be done.” Worry leads to unbelief.

When we meditate we reflect upon the substance of hope, the evidence of things unseen. When we reflect on the promises of God and bring back to memory the times when He has demonstrated his faithfulness we are filled with faith and hope.

When I remember You on my bed,

I meditate on You in the night watches,

For You have been my help,

And in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy.

My soul clings to You;

Your right hand upholds me.

(Psalms 63:6-8)

Related post: Substantial Unbelief https://charispsallo.wordpress.com/2013/09/28/substantial-unbelief/

14 thoughts on “Upon reflection

  1. Charis, Today is my 63rd birthday and believe it or not I looked up Psalm 63 this morning and ‘meditated’ on that very passage you have shared here. I thought of sharing it in my blog, but didn’t get time. The Lord obviously had you do it instead. Thankyou for the birthday gift 🙂


  2. Caddo

    Oh how I appreciate this one!! I joke that I’m a multi-tasker–“fretting and praying”, but it’s not really all that amusing; and I’m working on learning to just pray, give it to Him–and skip all the fretting. God bless you BIG–love, sis Caddo


  3. Ruth

    This: “When we reflect on the promises of God and bring back to memory the times when He has demonstrated his faithfulness we are filled with faith and hope.” That is exactly what happened to me yesterday, when ou precious little Adam had a seizure. My memories of what God did, right there in that same hospital with “John’s” illness filled me with a desire to ask for prayer on our church prayer line which I did and to trust, not fear! All day today I have been thinking about it – how that great demonstration of God’s victory over terrible illness and yesterday’s miracle in Adam, is what I need to think on – not the terrible sight before me of my limp grandson with his eyes rolling back, nor the circumstances that seem impossible to live with/overcome. It was so frightening to see him so very ill, but so very amazing to watch – in 24 hours him get back to normal. Maybe a little remnant of congestion but NO fever and no listlessness (he was so ‘out of it’ it was like he wasn’t there) and praise God no more seizures! Please pray that he will completely overcome a lung infection that has held on for over 4 weeks but only yesterday turned into a crisis. Thanks for this. Last night I was able to go peacefully to sleep even though at 9:30 his fever had gone back up again to almost 40 C. by 1 a.m. when his Mom took his temp it was normal again and hasn’t come back. Psalm 23 is very appropriate for my experience last night as I went to sleep no knowing if my grandson would be OK! God is so GOOD!


  4. Ruth

    BTW I try to make time to read most of your posts and EVERY one I read is a blessing! Your photos are so beautiful! thank you and my apologies I don’t often have time to comment.


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