5 thoughts on “On the Waters

  1. In the midst of the shimmer of reflecting waves
    Like swans, glides the bouncing rowboat
    Ah, over the joyous, gently-shimmering waves
    Glides the soul like the rowboat.
    Ah, over the joyous, gently-shimmering waves
    Glides the soul like the rowboat.
    From the heaven on down the waves
    Dances the evening glow around the boat
    Dances the evening glow around the boat

    Above the top of the western grove
    Friendly greets us the red glow;
    Below the branches of the eastern grove
    The reeds rustle in the red glow.
    Below the branches of the eastern grove
    The reeds rustle in the red glow.
    Heavenly joy and the peace of the groves
    The soul breathes in the evening glow,
    The soul breathes in the evening glow.

    Ah, disappears from me with the dewy wings
    On rocking waves, flies the time
    Disappears tomorrow on shimmering wings
    Just like yesterday and today, flies the time.
    Disappears tomorrow on shimmering wings
    Just like yesterday and today, flies the time.
    Until I myself on more highly radiant wings
    Flee from the changing time.
    Flee from the changing time.


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