Consuming Fire


There must be more than this
O breath of God, come breath within
There must be more than this
Spirit of God we wait for You
Fill us anew we pray
Fill us anew we pray
Consuming fire
Fan into flame
A passion for Your name…

(from Consuming Fire by Tim Hughes)

It’s much easier to pray for God’s consuming fire to come and purify our hearts before we have experienced how intensely uncomfortable that process can be. Isaiah agonized,”Woe is me! I am undone! Everything that has come out of my mouth is filth!” when confronted with the holiness of God.

This is not a prayer for dutiful gatherings of people to sing casually without thought, or for those looking for an easy life.

This is not a prayer for those who only seek God when they want relief from suffering or think following Jesus means he will buy them a colour TV and fill their freezers with microwaveable dinners.

Jesus Christ’s pure love shines a light on our acceptance of ugly unholiness in ourselves as only-human-normality and reveals putrefied only-human-depravity. His Holiness confronts it with the intensity of a burning laser. His relentless kindness and gentleness provide the burning coal that purifies and leads us to change, but it is not a happiness-all-the-time experience. Sometimes the reality of living in the light of pure love that leads to life-changing Godly sorrow (and not merely hopeless self-pity) results in brokenness and bitter weeping before the joy of closer friendship with the Lover of our Souls.

This prayer is only for those who dare to hope that knowing Him is better than life.

8 thoughts on “Consuming Fire

  1. Fan the flames, Lord. Would rather be consumed in the flame, than lukewarm or cold towards your presence. Better life with you in pain than separation from you Lord.

    Love the photo! Perfect illustration. 🙂


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