From Glory to Glory

IMG_8744 may day blossom pink pale

So do we go or do we stay? The weather on this side of the Rockies is lovely. We’ve had summer temperatures this week and suddenly there are leaves on the trees and flowers in my garden! Glorious flowers!

IMG_8749 yellow tulip

But there is a heavy snowfall warning out for the Cowboy Trail on the other side of the Rockies, the part that lies between us and our granddaughter’s special day. The temperature is right around the freezing mark, so that could mean wet highways, or impossible highways.

I find myself shopping the weather forecast sites looking for the most optimistic reports, but I know better than to be caught in the mountains in a heavy spring snowfall. So we check highway cameras and road reports and wait for Facebook posts from those who are already out on the roads and wonder if we should make a dash for it before it gets really bad.

Change is like that. I have seen the transforming power of Jesus in people’s lives and it’s amazing. They don’t seem like the same people. There is hope, joy, peace and love in their lives. Then suddenly the habits of the last season blow back in -and it’s a big mess.

Disappointment in the apparent lack of progress in our lives can make us wonder if we are actually getting anywhere. Sometimes in the midst of this journey, when we see how far we have got to go, discouragement piles up on the road like  unwelcome spring snow. “Hope deferred” the Bible calls it. It says it will even make your heart feel sick.  But the next part of that verse is the one to watch “But desire fulfilled is a tree of life.”

We can look at the snow which, although very real and hazardous and mighty inconvenient, we know is passing, or we can look at the trees blossoming into new life. Transformation is about not looking to our past for norms. It is about fixing our eyes on hope and the joy that lies before us. We move from glory to glory.

Soon. Very soon.

IMG_8703 buds april

12 thoughts on “From Glory to Glory

  1. Love the flowers! Our leaves went from tight buds to unfurling leaves today. Joy! A spring storm builds our character as we trust during the unwanted. You will get to see your grand babies.

    Love your wisdom about change and transformation. It is so true!


    1. We made it, Hazel! It snowed most of the way, but we prayed the temperature would rise just enough to keep it from freezing and accumulating on the road -and it did! Woot! Our eldest granddaughter invited us to come to her baptism tomorrow morning, so you see why we wanted to come so much! Her Dad’s flight home from an engagement in Florida was delayed too long for him to make connections, but instead he was given a seat on a better direct flight. The storm has abated somewhat, the airport is open, and he should be arriving about now. God is good!


      1. How excellent is our God, Charis! Gathering the family from different directions to fulfill your desires, so you can all participate and witness this joyous event! Faith in God causes the roads to be drivable and your granddaughter’s father to have favor and a direct flight home! He sent his angels before you. Hooray!!!


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